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In a world where most brokers have access to lenders themselves, be it through a network or direct access themselves, the role of a Master Broker is often questioned in the current market.
Helen Marshall
05 July 2018
Norton Broker Services do not dispute that going
As a Master Broker, we have an extensive panel of secured loan, mortgage and unsecured lenders; which includes specialist and high-street lenders, to ensure your customers have the widest range of options available to them - no matter how complex the case may be.
Whether you‘re authorised through a network, or directly authorised, our offering
One of the main tools our brokers use (whether advising on the loan or not) is our sourcing system - Quick Quote. By inputting their customers‘ information and requirements, our brokers are given an idea of what products will be available and are able to choose the best option for their customer from the results.
Brokers that are registered with Norton Broker Services benefit from our staffing levels, which gives us the ability to chase things a lot quicker than one broker could do on their own. Another benefit of using us as a Master
These are just some of the reasons why brokers and IFAs would use a Master Broker. We also offer a great compliance team to ensure cases are handled according to regulations; advertising leaflets to boost business; relationships with lenders; competitive commissions and expert CRMs.
We pride ourselves on our award-winning service and making our brokers lives easier.
Hopefully, you‘ll agree that there‘s definitely still a place for Master Brokers in the market and you‘ll consider us next time you‘re struggling to place a case.
Secured a £25k mortgage in just 12 working days for a client facing affordability challenges, thanks...
Customer looking for options to exit a bridge shortly after coming out of an IVA with a recent CCJ